experience Slovenia from Above
You know It's a must!
It takes a certain kind of person to jump from an aircraft at 15,000ft intho thin air. It takes courage.
Expect sensory overload as your mind, body and soul fight against every natural self-preserving urge. The challenge is immense. Harnessed by space age materials to an experienced qualified Jumpmaster, you step out of that aircraft door and for some 60 seconds, you plummet toward the ground at 200 kph – terminal velocity!
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About Us

Where you can find us?
Skydive Ljubljana Training Center
Černetova ulica 23, 1000 Ljubljana
Šentvid pri Stični Airport
Šentvid pri Stični 12, 1296 Šentvid pri Stični
Portorož Airport
Sečovlje 19, 6333 Sečovlje
Postojna Airport
Rakitnik 1, 6258 Prestranek
Bovec Airport
Tobačna ulica 5, 5230 Bovec
Novo mesto Airport
Prečna 46, 8000 Novo mesto
Lesce Airport
Begunjska cesta 10, 4248 Lesce
How to contact us?
00386 31 208 542
[email protected]
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